
iSugarfy Newsletter

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In the beginning, I will send you my newsletter iSugarfy News only to let you know when a new video tutorial or demo has been added, or another important new informational part. Because yes, I want to keep on decorating while writing, and might as well turn some of those sessions into "How to make sugar art the iSugarfy way... :-)".

My goal is to get this website to a state where it contains all the most important basic information about royal icing and isomalt for cookie and cake decorating. Once this has been accomplished, the few-and-far-between newsletters will become more frequent.

So, please bear with me as such a site is no small endeavor for a one-person crew.  And I hope that once you see what my newsletters entail, you will grow to anticipate them more eagerly :-).

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Want to keep me motivated to share sugar art tutorials and demos with you?


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